Expression of Interest for lease out space at the New Shopping Complex |
Expression of Interest PANJAB UNIVERSITY intends to lease out space at the New Shopping Complex available at the ground floor (area 1000 sq. ft. hall) for Franchise to Departmental Stores like ‘Reliance Fresh’, ‘BIG Bazaar’, ‘More’ etc. and on first floor (area 1500 sq. ft. hall & 2000 sq. ft. hall) for Food Court to include Subway, KFC, McDonald, Café Coffee day etc. Interested individual/organization may submit their detailed presentations in office of the Registrar on 20th November, 2015 at 3.00 p.m. REGISTRAR |
Dated: 29/10/2015 |
1. | 28/03/2025 | office order Director,Research & Development cell |
2. | 25/03/2025 | Office order Dean Of University Instruction |
3. | 25/03/2025 | Office Order Dean of Student welfare (Women) |
4. | 07/03/2025 | Notice regarding 08.03.2025 to be observed as a working day |
5. | 05/03/2025 | Instructions to Candidates - Conferment of degrees during 72nd Annual Convocation, scheduled to be held on 12th March, 2025 |
6. | 25/02/2025 | Circular Regarding working hours of MTS |
7. | 04/02/2025 | Circular regarding consideration of superannuated teachers for appointment as Guest faculty upto the age of 65 years |
9. | 22/01/2025 | Office orders for extension in term of Prof. Amit Chauhan, UIET as Dean Student Welfare w.e.f. 06.02.2025 for one year |
10. | 21/01/2025 | Minute-to-Minute Programme of Republic Day Function (26.01.2025) |
11. | 08/01/2025 | Final List of Voters for the election of PUSA 2025 |
12. | 03/01/2025 | Schedule for the Election of Office Bearers and Members of the Executive Committee of the Panjab University Non teaching Staff Association-2025 |
13. | 01/01/2025 | Circular dated 31.12.2024 regarding conduct of faculty members |
14. | 31/12/2024 | Subscription Fees for the membership/renewal for PUSA Elections 2025 |
15. | 20/12/2024 | Circular - 21.12.2024 (Saturday) will be observed as Closed Day |
16. | 18/12/2024 | Circular regarding Standing Committee for the year 2025 |
17. | 16/12/2024 | Anti Rabies Campaign by Dept. of Animal Husbandry , Chandigarh Administration - Dos and Don’ts |
18. | 13/12/2024 | Circular regarding Honors/Incentives to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Republic Day i.e. 26th January , 2025 |
19. | 28/11/2024 | office order Director Research Development Cell |
20. | 28/10/2024 | Circular - amended Provision/Procedure under clause 2.4 and 2.5 for promotion of Laboratory and Technical staff from G-IV to G-I |
21. | 09/10/2024 | Circular regarding amendment in Rule 7 at page 63 of PU Cal. Vol-III, 2019 for acceptance of outside assignments and permission for doing other than normal work |
22. | 08/10/2024 | Child Care Leave Rule Circular & Proforma |
23. | 01/10/2024 | Applications invited for Gunman posts from in-service Security Guards of Panjab University |
24. | 25/09/2024 | OFFICE ORDER Editor-in -Chief/ Editor Research Journals ( Science) |
25. | 24/09/2024 | Office order R&DC |
26. | 17/09/2024 | Circular regarding relieving of Guest contract and temporary faculty on appointment of regular faculty |
27. | 13/09/2024 | Approved rates for re-canning of Chair(s) |
28. | 09/09/2024 | Notice - Cricket trials (amongst Regular Non-teaching Employees) for All India T-20 Vice-Chancellor Cricket Cup-2024 |
29. | 20/08/2024 | No Dues Certificate i.r.o. Astt. Registrar and Deputy Registrar working in General Branch, Colleges Branch, R&S, Estt Branch and RTI Cell - No. 417 R DS dated 20.08.2024 |
30. | 16/08/2024 | Revised Circular regarding Standing Committee for the year 2024 |
31. | 13/08/2024 | Circular dated 13.8.2024 regarding Professor of Practice |
32. | 13/08/2024 | Circular dated 9.8.2024 regarding Adjunct faculty |
33. | 13/08/2024 | Circular dated 9.8.2024 regarding Pre-Screening Committee for CAS promotion cases |
34. | 09/08/2024 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme for Independence Day Celebrations on 15th August, 2024 (THURSDAY) |
35. | 07/08/2024 | Revised Circular regarding Internal Complaints Committee for period of three years w.e.f. 18.04.2024 |
36. | 11/07/2024 | Conduct of test for appointment to the post of Clerk from in-service Class 'C' employees |
37. | 01/07/2024 | Circular regarding Honors/Incentives to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Independence Day i.e. 15th August, 2024 |
38. | 26/06/2024 | Notice for inviting Quotations for re-canning of office/officer chairs with cushion, etc. |
39. | 19/06/2024 | Adoption of Gazette Notification of UGC dated 06.06.2024 with regard to choice of CAS promotion case as per 2010 or 2018 Regulation |
40. | 05/06/2024 | Advisory for Safety from Fire Incidents in Peak Summers by District Disaster Management Authority, Chandigarh Administration |
41. | 24/05/2024 | Notice of Meeting of Academic Council scheduled to be held on 5th June, 2024, at 11.00 a.m. |
42. | 22/05/2024 | Public Health Advisory on Heat Wave |
43. | 13/05/2024 | (CIRCULAR ) Amendment in Rule 9 at page 63 of P.U Cal Vol-III,2019 |
44. | 01/05/2024 | Circular regarding not to hold rallies, protests in residential areas of the University and to adhere to certain guidelines - No.153-290 R DS dated 01.05.2024 - |
45. | 30/04/2024 | Office Order regarding carrying and displaying of Identity Card - No. 110-150 R DS dated 30.04.2024 |
47. | 24/04/2024 | Regarding Employee Data for ERP Samarth |
48. | 24/04/2024 | Requirement of Data regarding issuing New Smart Identity Cards for University employees |
49. | 22/04/2024 | Revised Schedule of Meetings of Various Faculties to be held on 25th and 26th April, 2024 |
50. | 19/04/2024 | Designing Contest for Academic Costume (for Annual Convocation of the University) for all Stakeholders of Panjab University, Chandigarh. |
51. | 18/04/2024 | Schedule of Meetings of Various Faculties to be held on 25th and 26th April, 2024 |
52. | 05/04/2024 | A.C.R. Proforma Class 'C' |
53. | 05/04/2024 | A.C.R. Proforma Class 'B' |
54. | 05/04/2024 | A.C.R. Proforma Class 'A' Officers |
55. | 05/04/2024 | A.C.R. Proforma only for C.V.O., F.D.O., C.O.E., Registrar and S.V.C. |
56. | 21/03/2024 | Office Order Extended the term Dean of Student welfare (Women) |
57. | 21/03/2024 | Office Order( Extended the term of Dean of University Instruction) |
58. | 11/03/2024 | Appreciation for persistent efforts to make the University Annual Convocation a success. |
59. | 01/03/2024 | Revised Notice of 71st Annual Convocation. |
60. | 01/03/2024 | Revised Instructions to Candidates - Conferment of degrees during 71st Annual Convocation, scheduled to be held on 7th March, 2024 |
61. | 29/02/2024 | Revised circular regarding general interpretation of clarification of clause 6.4 from UGC vide letter dated 3.2.2023 |
62. | 26/02/2024 | Instructions to Candidates - Conferment of degrees during 71st Annual Convocation, scheduled to be held on 7th March, 2024 |
63. | 07/02/2024 | Office Order DSW Prof Amit Chauhan UIET |
64. | 01/02/2024 | Revised circular regarding CAS with regard to date of eligibility after 17.01.2019 |
65. | 25/01/2024 | Revised Minute-to-Minute Programme of Republic Day Function to be celebrated on 26.01.2024 (Friday). |
66. | 23/01/2024 | Minute to minute program of Republic Day Function on 26.01.2024 (Friday). |
68. | 19/01/2024 | Notice for inviting Quotations for preparation/printing of P.V.C/Smart Identity Card for P.U. Teaching, Non-Teaching, Daily-wage Employee & Retirees. |
69. | 05/01/2024 | Circular in continuation to earlier circular dated 25.05.2023 - instructions to the residents regarding pet dogs |
70. | 28/12/2023 | Circular regarding appointment and extension of Guest faculty, Temporary and Part-time faculty |
71. | 21/12/2023 | NO VEHICLE ROAD during Global Alumni meet 2023 of the Panjab University. |
72. | 19/12/2023 | Seeking item-wise requisition as per Circular dated 14.12.2023. |
73. | 18/12/2023 | Notice for inviting Quotations for preparation/printing of P.V.C/Smart Identity Cards |
74. | 14/12/2023 | Circular regarding Standing Committee for the Year,2024 |
75. | 06/12/2023 | Circular regarding Honours/Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Republic Day i.e. 26.01.2024 |
76. | 05/12/2023 | Circular for the faculty whose promotion is due on or before 17.1.2019 may submit thier CAS promotion case alongwith choice/option before 31.12.2023 as per UGC Regulation dated 31.7.2023 |
77. | 28/11/2023 | Reminder- General Elections to Lok Sabha-2024-Supply of Staff list |
78. | 24/11/2023 | Regarding fake WhatsApp Messages received from different Mobile Numbers - No. 760-800/R/DS dated 24.11.2023 |
79. | 23/11/2023 | Car Free Day on 24th November, 2023 - Route Map for free Shuttle Bus Service |
80. | 21/11/2023 | Observance of Car Free Day on 24th November, 2023, in University Campuses. |
81. | 15/11/2023 | General Elections to Lok Sabha-2024-Supply of Staff List |
82. | 26/10/2023 | Route Map for free Shuttle Bus Service on 27.10.23, the Car Free Day |
83. | 25/10/2023 | Circular with regard to adopted the Gazette notification issued vide F.No 9-1/2010 (PS/MISC) Pt. Volume II dated 31.07.2023 of the approval of the syndicate vide para 14 (R-13) dated 23/9/23 |
84. | 20/10/2023 | Car Free Day on 27th October, 2023 - No. 622-700/R/DS dated 20.10.2023 |
85. | 19/10/2023 | Recommended parameters for executing MoUs |
86. | 10/10/2023 | General Elections to Lok Sabha 2024-Supply of Staff List |
87. | 06/10/2023 | Assignment of new research scholars to the eligible teachers |
88. | 27/09/2023 | Extension of last date for submission of Students Registration/Continuation Returns along with original documents, for the Session 2023-24 |
89. | 21/09/2023 | Route Map for free Shuttle Bus Service on 22.09.2023 for Car free day at PU Campus. |
90. | 14/09/2023 | Regarding Observance of Car Free Day in University Campuses, Every Month. |
91. | 11/09/2023 | Extension of last date for submission of Students Registration/Continuation Returns along with original documents, for the Session 2023-24 |
92. | 05/09/2023 | Application for the post of Joint Director (Legal) Group A in ASI |
93. | 05/09/2023 | Filling up the post of Joint Director General (Information Technology & Digital Documentation) |
94. | 30/08/2023 | Re-constituted the Standing Committee for the Year 2023 |
95. | 29/08/2023 | Circular dated 29.8.2023 regarding guidelines for Pre-Screening of CAS application forms |
96. | 29/08/2023 | information to all chairpersons, Directors, co-ordinators, Wardens, Branch Head etc. regarding Internal Complaints Committee |
97. | 10/08/2023 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme for Independence Day Celebrations on 15th August, 2023 (TUESDAY) |
98. | 28/07/2023 | Panjab University Campus will observe a Public Holiday on 29th July |
99. | 27/07/2023 | Reminder of rules for appointment of Guest Faculty |
100. | 27/07/2023 | Circular No.483 R DS dated 27.07.2023 regarding wearing of uniform by C-Class employees |
101. | 26/07/2023 | Notification regarding working day on 29.07.2023 (Saturday) in all teaching and non-teaching departments |
102. | 25/07/2023 | Circular regarding enhancement of renumeration of Part-time Assistant Professors |
103. | 25/07/2023 | Circular regarding revised guidelines for appointment and enhancement of the rates of honorarium of Guest faculty |
104. | 21/07/2023 | Circular regarding appointment to the post of clerk from in service Class 'C' employees |
105. | 20/07/2023 | Circular regarding promotion to the post of Superintendent (from in service Senior Assistant) |
106. | 14/07/2023 | Circular regarding Honours/Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Independence Day i.e. 15th August, .2023 |
107. | 12/07/2023 | Revised Circular regarding Internal Complaint Committee,2023 |
108. | 10/07/2023 | Panjab University to remain closed on July 11, 2023 |
109. | 26/06/2023 | Circular for Grant Basic Pay +D.A. + G.P. to the daily wage/Temp./Cont. employees who completed 10 years of service |
110. | 22/06/2023 | Appendex Faculty of Science (2) - Meeting of Academic Council |
111. | 22/06/2023 | Appendex Faculty of Science (1) - Meeting of Academic Council |
112. | 22/06/2023 | Appendex Faculty of Languages - Meeting of Academic Council |
113. | 22/06/2023 | Appendex Faculty of Education - Meeting of Academic Council |
114. | 22/06/2023 | Appendex Faculty of Design & Fine Arts - Meeting of Academic Council |
115. | 22/06/2023 | Appendex Faculty of Commerce & Management - Meeting of Academic Council |
116. | 22/06/2023 | Appendex Faculty of Arts - Meeting of Academic Council |
117. | 22/06/2023 | Agenda for the meeting of Academic Council |
118. | 22/06/2023 | Circular regarding deputation of daily wage Clerk /Helper in office or Controller of Examination |
119. | 19/06/2023 | Notice of Meeting of Academic Council scheduled to be held on 28th June, 2023, at 11.00 a.m. |
120. | 15/06/2023 | Circular with regard to the strictly follow the prevision of rules regulation of the university |
121. | 08/06/2023 | Circular regarding vehicles without stickers - No. 328 R DS dtd. 08.06.2023 |
122. | 26/05/2023 | the list of membes of Internal Complaint Committee-2023 alongwith their phone numbers and e-mails address |
123. | 25/05/2023 | continuation to earlier circular no. 4409-4558/Estt. -I dated 8.5.2013 with regard to constitution of Pre-Screening Committee. |
124. | 22/05/2023 | Appreciation for persistent efforts to make the University Annual Convocation a success. |
125. | 19/05/2023 | Office orders for cleaners various Departments to report to the SDE (Horti.) for two days |
126. | 16/05/2023 | Security measures for the 70th Annual Convocation |
127. | 11/05/2023 | Instructions to Candidates - Conferment of degrees during 70th Annual Convocation scheduled to be held on 20th May, 2023 |
128. | 04/05/2023 | Holiday on May 05, 2023 on account of Buddha Purnima |
129. | 26/04/2023 | Regarding promotion of teachers whose promotions are pending owing to interpretation of UGC Regulations,2018(Clause 6.3) |
130. | 26/04/2023 | Schedule for the Election of Office Bearers and Members of the Executive Committee of the Panjab University Non-Teaching Staff Association (PUSA) |
131. | 26/04/2023 | General interpretation of clarification of clause 6.4 from UGC vide letter no f.9-1/2020(PS/Misc.) dated 03.02.2023 |
132. | 03/04/2023 | Revised Circular regarding Internal Complaint Committee for the period of two years w.e.f. 01.04.2023 |
133. | 03/04/2023 | Public holiday on 08.04.2023 |
134. | 03/04/2023 | Office Order Dean of Student welfare (Women) |
135. | 03/04/2023 | Office order Dean of University instrucation |
136. | 29/03/2023 | Circular regarding Internal Complaint Committee for the period of two years w.e.f. 01.04.2023 |
137. | 21/03/2023 | Burning of dry leaves and other waste material |
138. | 07/03/2023 | Gate No. 1, 3, UIET Gate, and Dental College Gate to remain Closed due to Holi |
139. | 02/03/2023 | Circular to nullify/neutralised the effect of AFUS, ab-initio |
140. | 20/02/2023 | Additional charge of Secretary to Vice-Chancellor |
141. | 15/02/2023 | Circular regarding following and quoting rules and regulations, as prescribed in latest Calendars of the University - No. 124 R DS dtd. 15.02.2023 |
142. | 15/02/2023 | Office orders dated 14.2.2023 regarding extension in term of Prof. Renu Vig, UIET as Dean of University Instruction |
143. | 14/02/2023 | Elections to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Boards of Studies for the term 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2025 - No. ST-1102-1402 dated 13.02.2023 |
144. | 10/02/2023 | Schedule of meetings, to be held on 20.02.2023, of various Faculties for Election of Deans & Secretaries - No. 240-777/GM dated 07.02.2023 |
145. | 10/02/2023 | office order Director,Research & Development cell |
146. | 03/02/2023 | Nomination for “Regional Level ToT on CCA-DRR Mainstreaming into City Plans” |
147. | 31/01/2023 | Release of University advertisements for two years, w.e.f. 1st Feb, 2023 to 31st Jan., 2025 - Approved agencies thereof. |
149. | 25/01/2023 | Updation of the Service Books (Audit Branch) |
150. | 23/01/2023 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme for Republic Day Celebrations on 26th January, 2023 (THURSDAY). |
151. | 23/01/2023 | Office Orders : Construction Office |
152. | 17/01/2023 | Office order regarding issuance of Gate Pass - No. 04-100/R/DS dated 17.01.2023 |
153. | 16/01/2023 | Proforma for claiming Higher Education Allowance effective from 1st July 2021, as per notification of Government of Punjab adopted by the Senate dated 27.03.2022. |
154. | 13/01/2023 | Engagement of Graduates in Engineerlng/Technology/General stream |
155. | 04/01/2023 | Circular regarding Standing Committee for the Year,2023 |
156. | 30/12/2022 | Office order Associate Dean of Student welfare |
157. | 26/12/2022 | Circular regarding Honours/Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Republic Day i.e. 26.01.2023 |
158. | 22/12/2022 | PU Holidays 2023 |
159. | 14/12/2022 | ACPS (4/9/14) Proforma |
160. | 08/12/2022 | Rule 27. Higher Education Allowance (Change in existing Rule 27 of Accelerated increment to Higher Education Allowance) |
161. | 01/12/2022 | Schedule of meetings, to be held on 03.12.2022, of various Faculties for Election of Deans & Secretaries - No. 2912-3411/GM dated 24.11.2022 |
162. | 13/10/2022 | Circular regarding the Internal Complaint Committee |
163. | 23/09/2022 | The circular for grant of golden chance for extension in submission of Ph.D Theses |
164. | 20/09/2022 | Circular regarding appointment of Honorary Professors in Panjab University |
165. | 13/09/2022 | Circular - Conduct of test for appointment to the posts of Clerks from in-services Class 'C' employees |
166. | 29/08/2022 | Auction Notice in respect of University Vehicles |
167. | 17/08/2022 | Formation of State Level SVEEP |
168. | 16/08/2022 | Observance of Sadbhawana Diwas on 18.08.2022 |
169. | 11/08/2022 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme for Independence Day Celebrations on 15th August, 2022 (MONDAY) |
170. | 04/08/2022 | Re-constituted the Standing Committee for the Year 2022 |
171. | 04/08/2022 | Circular regarding constitution of JCM for the Ministerial, Secretarial, Laboratory & Technical Staff and Class "C" staff of the University for the year 2022 |
172. | 21/07/2022 | Honours/Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Independence Day i.e. 15th August, 2022. |
173. | 19/07/2022 | Election of Added members of various Faculties for the term 01.02.21 to 31.01.23 |
174. | 18/07/2022 | Providing information as per format |
175. | 14/07/2022 | Circular regarding Prevention and control of malaria, dengue and other vector borne diseases - No. 297-450/R/DS dt. 14.07.2022 |
176. | 01/07/2022 | Schedule of the meetings of various Faculties (For Fellows only) |
177. | 24/06/2022 | Circular regarding providing information about the activities/major achievements. |
178. | 01/06/2022 | Circular regarding wearing of uniform by Class C Employees of the University |
179. | 24/05/2022 | Circular carrying instructions regarding keeping pet dogs - No. 205/R/DS dated 24.05.2022 |
180. | 29/04/2022 | Engagement under the Apprentices Act, 1961 & the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992. |
181. | 29/04/2022 | Notice regarding designated Dharna/Protest/Rally Site - No. 122/R/DS dated 29.04.2022 |
182. | 21/04/2022 | Notice of 69th Annual Convocation of University - No. 3166/R&S dt. 20.04.2022 |
183. | 20/04/2022 | Instructions to Candidates - Conferment of Ph.D. degrees during 69th Convocation scheduled to be held on 6th May, 2022 |
184. | 20/04/2022 | Circular for PIOs/APIOs regarding supplying Information under RTI Act, 2005 |
185. | 06/04/2022 | Mission Swachh Chandigarh is participating in Swachh Survekshan 2022. |
186. | 06/04/2022 | A.C.R. Proforma (Class C) Non-teaching |
187. | 06/04/2022 | A.C.R. Proforma (Class B) Non-teaching |
188. | 06/04/2022 | A.C.R. Proforma (Class A) Non-teaching |
189. | 04/04/2022 | Engagement as Counsel to conduct cases of PU before Labour Courts & Consumer Forum, etc. |
190. | 29/03/2022 | ACR Circular 2021-22 |
191. | 28/02/2022 | Circular for PIOs/APIOs regarding supplying "Personal Information" under RTI Act, 2005 |
192. | 25/02/2022 | Office orders regarding ACP (4/9/14) & AFU (10/20/30) Schemes vide No. 2083-87/Estt. dated 25.02.2022 |
193. | 31/01/2022 | Office order regarding functioning of offices w.e.f. 01.02.2022, COVID-19 appropriate behaviour, etc. - No. 10 R DS dt. 31.01.2022 |
195. | 25/01/2022 | Circular regarding Non-Smoking Zone & insturctons thereof - No.5/R/DS dt. 25.01.2022 |
196. | 21/01/2022 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme for Republic Day Celebrations on 26th January, 2022 (WEDNESDAY). |
197. | 09/01/2022 | Office Order regarding implementation of measures to control the further spread of corona cases in the University -No. 260-R-PA dated 09.01.2022 |
198. | 04/01/2022 | Registration for Freedom 2 Walk & Cycle Campaign |
199. | 30/12/2021 | Honours/Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Republic Day i.e. 26th January, 2022. |
200. | 28/12/2021 | Reg vaccination of staff with second/first dose of COVID-19 vaccine - No. 588-591/R/DS dated 28.12.2021. |
201. | 21/12/2021 | Holiday on 24.12.2021 in the PU Campus Offices/Teaching Departments and its Affiliated Colleges, located in Chandigarh. |
202. | 21/12/2021 | Regarding vaccination of staff and detail thereof. |
203. | 01/12/2021 | Advisory for observance of prescribed COVID-19 protocols keeping in view the new variant - OMICRON |
204. | 23/11/2021 | Extension of last to submit the students’ Registration Returns along with original documents, for the Session 2021-22. |
205. | 22/11/2021 | Circular in regard to engagement as Counsel to conduct cases of Panjab University before the Labour Court/Assistant Labour Commissioner/Labour Inspector/Consumer Forum/State Commissioner etc. |
206. | 17/11/2021 | Circular regarding re-constitution of the Standing Committee for the year 2021 |
207. | 08/11/2021 | Circular regarding benefit of A.C.P.S./A.F.U.S. to Non-teaching employees on completion of 4, 9 & 14 / 10, 20 & 30 years of service in a cadre. |
208. | 28/10/2021 | Circular for information of the employees of the University to abide by the provision of Rule 9 (Part V) at page 111 Cal. Vol.-III, 2019 "Insolvency and Habitual Indebtedness" |
209. | 19/10/2021 | Extension in last date of submission of Students’ Registration Returns, etc., for the Session 2021-22. |
210. | 30/09/2021 | Circular - (regarding directions for submission of recommendations by all the Heads of the Dept./Branch for extension for their daily wage/Contractual employees) |
211. | 22/09/2021 | Circular regarding extension in the term of present Internal Complaints Committee up to 30.09.2022 |
212. | 17/09/2021 | Office Order regarding appointment of Radiation Safety Officer - No. 416-430/R/DS dated 17.09.2021 |
213. | 06/09/2021 | Circular regarding re-constitution of Standing Committee for the year 2020-21 |
214. | 12/08/2021 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme for Independence Day Celebrations on 15th August, 2021 (SUNDAY) |
215. | 09/08/2021 | Observance of Sadbhawana Diwas on 20.08.2021 |
216. | 04/08/2021 | Application/Permission to install radiation generating equipment/source from AERB - No. 251 R PA dt. 03.08.2021 |
217. | 14/07/2021 | Uniform distribution to C class employees of Panjab Unversity |
218. | 02/07/2021 | Office order - Regarding timings of the Regional Centres of the University situated in the State of Punjab |
219. | 21/06/2021 | Office Order regarding implementation of measures to control the further spread of corona cases in the University - No. 248 R PA dated 21.06.2021 |
220. | 20/06/2021 | Celebration of 7th International Day of Yoga-2021 on 21st June, 2021 |
221. | 16/06/2021 | Circular regarding Prevention and control of malaria, dengue and other vector borne diseases - No. R02/21/6513 dt. 16.06.2021 |
222. | 10/06/2021 | Office Order regarding implementation of measures to control the further spread of corona cases in the University - No. 246 R PA dt. 10.06.2021 |
223. | 09/06/2021 | Office Order regarding implementation of measures to control the further spread of corona cases in the University - No. 245 R PA dt. 09.06.2021 |
224. | 08/06/2021 | Roster in Promotion for Non-teaching employees |
225. | 01/06/2021 | Office Order regarding implementation of measures to control the further spread of corona cases in the University - No. 244 R PA dt. 01.06.2021 |
226. | 20/05/2021 | Office Order regarding implementation of measures to control the further spread of corona cases in the University - No. 241 R PA dt. 20.05.2021 |
227. | 17/05/2021 | Circular regarding uploading of information about CORONA positive employees, etc., on University Portal - No. 240/R/PA dt. 17.05.2021. |
228. | 11/05/2021 | Office Order regarding closure of Administrative Block, Aruna Ranjit Chandra Hall and USOL on 12th and 13th May, 2021, etc. |
229. | 09/05/2021 | Office order regarding closure of all the physical facilities/ services, etc. till 31.05.2021 - No. Spl.-01/R/PA dt. 08.05.2021 |
230. | 04/05/2021 | Office Order reg. functioning of University offices, etc., with fifty percent staff strength, etc. - No. 328 R DS dt. 04.05.2021 |
231. | 01/05/2021 | Holiday on 01.05.2021 in Panjab University Campus Offices/Teaching Departments and its Affiliated Colleges located in Chandigarh - No. 4200/GM dated 01.05.2021 |
232. | 30/04/2021 | Holiday on 01.05.2021 in Institutions, Regional Centers, Rural Centers, Affiliated Colleges located in the State of Punjab - No. 4199 GM dated 30.04.2021 |
233. | 23/04/2021 | Revised D.C. Rates, w.e.f. 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 |
234. | 23/04/2021 | Manpower audit of non-teaching positions of the University |
235. | 22/04/2021 | Clarification with regard to Office Order No. 238/R/PA dt. 19.04.2021 - No. 326/R/PA dt. 22.04.2021 |
236. | 19/04/2021 | Office Order reg. functioning of University offices with fifty percent staff strength upto 30.04.2021 - No. 238/R/PA dt. 19.04.2021 |
237. | 16/04/2021 | Approved Rates for re-canning |
238. | 09/04/2021 | Circular - Annual Confidential Reports 2020-21 (01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021) |
239. | 07/04/2021 | Holiday on 08.04.2021 in Institutions, Regional Centres, Rural Centres, Affiliated Colleges located in the State of Punjab |
240. | 19/03/2021 | Advisory for observance of prescribed COVID-19 protocols |
241. | 04/03/2021 | NOTICE regarding shifting of UGC HRDC |
242. | 17/02/2021 | SOP on Preventive Measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in Offices |
243. | 05/02/2021 | Office Order reg. functioning of departments-offices with hundred percent non-teaching staff strength w.e.f. 08.02.2021 |
244. | 28/01/2021 | Circular for PIOs/APIOs of the University for compliance |
245. | 21/01/2021 | Supply of information for inclusion in the Annual Report for the period July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. |
246. | 01/01/2021 | Late submission of students' documents, in original, for the Session 2020-21 |
247. | 31/12/2020 | Circular dated 31.12.2020 w.r.t. adoption of guidelines of Govt. of Punjab and Chandigarh Admin. regarding COVID-19 |
248. | 21/12/2020 | Circular Regarding the Standing Committee for the year -2021 |
249. | 18/12/2020 | Circular regarding closure of canteens of Departments and Shops of Student Centre upto 31.12.2020. |
250. | 20/11/2020 | Circular - Revised Pay Scales w.e.f. 01.11.2012 (Laboratory and Technical Posts (G-I to G-IV) |
251. | 29/10/2020 | Notification Regarding Public Holiday In PU on 30.10.2020 |
252. | 15/10/2020 | Holiday on 16.10.2020 in Institutions, Regional Centers, Rural Centers, Affiliated Colleges located in the State of Punjab - No. 5531 GM dated 15.10.2020 |
253. | 15/10/2020 | Regarding grant of duty leave to Quarantined employees |
254. | 14/10/2020 | Circular - Closing of PU Departments Canteens/Student Center Shops, etc. |
255. | 01/10/2020 | Circular regarding the Internal Complaints Committee |
256. | 01/10/2020 | Auction Notice for Shops |
257. | 01/10/2020 | Circular w.r.t. COVID-19 dated 01.10.2020 (reg. workers residing in the containment and micro-containment zones) |
258. | 24/09/2020 | Circular regarding closure of workplace on reporting of a CORONA positive case - No. R02 20 12072 dated 24.09.2020 |
259. | 24/09/2020 | Regarding submission of contact list of CORONA-19 Positive Employees - No. R02 20 12054 dated 24.09.2020 |
260. | 16/09/2020 | Circular dated 14.9.2020 - regarding clarification on regularization of absence during COVID-19 epidemic lockdown period |
261. | 11/09/2020 | Minutes of online meeting held on 11.09.2020 to deliberate on PUSA representation and decisions thereof |
262. | 11/09/2020 | Urgent Notice regarding conducting online meetings - No. R02/20/11314 dated 11.09.2020 |
263. | 11/09/2020 | Sanitization of offices in Aruna Ranjit Chandra Hall and Administrative Block - No. R02 20 11313 dated 11.09.2020 |
264. | 10/09/2020 | Compliance of existing SoPs in the wake of rise in COVID-19 cases. |
265. | 09/09/2020 | Circular No. 4323-4375/D/Estate dt. 2-9-2020 |
266. | 06/09/2020 | OFFICE ORDER No. SPL/1/SEP/DRG Dated: 05.09.2020 |
267. | 06/09/2020 | OFFICE ORDER No. SPL/1/SEP/DRG Dated: 05.09.2020 |
268. | 02/09/2020 | Office Order in view of prevailing circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic - No. 1179/R dated 01.09.2020 |
269. | 02/09/2020 | Notice/Circular in view of prevailing circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic - No. D-R02/20/10592 dated 01.09.2020 |
270. | 26/08/2020 | Office Order regarding closure of Administrative Block and Aruna Ranjit Chandra Hall for 27th & 28th August, 2020 |
271. | 20/08/2020 | Observance of Sadbhawana Diwas 2020 on 20.08.2020 |
272. | 10/08/2020 | Summer Training and Internship of MCom 2nd sem students or other UG/PG courses having similar requirement or internship |
273. | 07/08/2020 | Admission Guidelines |
274. | 07/08/2020 | Circular - Closing of PU Departments Canteens/Student Center Shops, etc. |
275. | 29/07/2020 | Election of Six Ordinary Fellows by the Faculties for the term from 01.11.2020 to 31.10.2024 |
276. | 27/07/2020 | Circular regarding Pay step up in AFUS No. 8739-8819/Estt. dated 27.7.2020 |
277. | 09/07/2020 | Circular |
278. | 03/07/2020 | Covide-19 Directions: -Press release of Chandigarh Administration dated 12.06.2020 |
279. | 02/07/2020 | Rate Approved till 15-07-2020 for the purchase of sanitizer/face mask/gloves/thermal scanning |
280. | 30/06/2020 | Office order regarding closure of Bhai Ghanaiya Ji Institute of Health from 30.06.2020 to 02.07.2020 - No. 605/R dated 30.06.2020 |
281. | 30/06/2020 | Office Order in view of prevailing circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic - No. 604/R dated 30.06.2020 |
282. | 28/06/2020 | COVID-19: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Panjab University Campus |
283. | 19/06/2020 | Circular regarding closure of canteens in teaching departments, shops in vicinity of Student Centre and charging of rent. |
284. | 19/06/2020 | Honours / Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Independence Day i.e. 15th August, 2020. |
285. | 18/06/2020 | Circular- No. 6977-79/Estt. dated 17.06.2020 in continuation to the circular No. 6599-6600/Estt. dated 11.06.2020. |
286. | 18/06/2020 | Honours/Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the even of independence Day i.e. 15th August 2020 |
287. | 17/06/2020 | Schedule for election of Six Ordinary Fellows for the term from 01.11.2020 to 31.10.2024 |
288. | 15/06/2020 | Office Order in view of prevailing circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic - No. R02/20/6977 dated 15.06.2020 |
289. | 15/06/2020 | Circular No. 6599-6600/Estt. dated 11.06.2020 Regarding those employees who left the station without prior permission of the competent authority during Lockdown with Proforma |
290. | 13/06/2020 | MyLifeMyYoga Contest |
291. | 02/06/2020 | Orders No. 1951-DRG Dated 02.06.2020 |
292. | 02/06/2020 | Office Order - Office timings of University Employees |
293. | 27/05/2020 | Circular - Inviting Annual Confidential Reports for the year 2019-20 (01.04.2019 to 31.03.2020) of the Non-Teaching Employees. |
294. | 19/05/2020 | Notice regarding moving out of offices |
295. | 12/05/2020 | Office Order |
296. | 08/05/2020 | Reminder Senate Election 2020 |
297. | 08/05/2020 | Office Order for Summer Vacation |
298. | 14/04/2020 | Office Order |
299. | 13/04/2020 | Appeal for Inviting ideas/ suggestions for Bharat Padhe Online campaign |
300. | 11/04/2020 | Covid-19 Message for Non Teaching Staff |
302. | 31/03/2020 | An appeal for contribution |
303. | 26/03/2020 | Office Orders - Extension of Closure till 14 April |
304. | 22/03/2020 | Lockdown order Notice |
305. | 21/03/2020 | OFFICE ORDER The Panjab University shall remain closed till 31.03.2020 |
306. | 19/03/2020 | Office Order - Regarding Measures to be followed in the Wake of Spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19). |
307. | 18/03/2020 | Urgent Circular - Schedule to be Observed by Audit Branch to Check and Clear Files - Spread of Corona Virus |
308. | 17/03/2020 | Urgent Circular - Timings of Gate No. 1 |
309. | 17/03/2020 | MOST URGENT CIRCULAR Corona Virus |
310. | 17/03/2020 | MOST URGENT CIRCULAR Corona Virus |
312. | 14/03/2020 | Teaching Suspended in Departments, Regional Centres etc. |
314. | 03/03/2020 | E-mail ID of Deputy Registrar (Estt.-II Non teaching) |
315. | 08/02/2020 | Urgent Circular - Report about activities undertaken to commemorate 550th Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji |
316. | 16/01/2020 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme - Republic Day Celebrations. |
317. | 13/12/2019 | Regarding counting of past service covered under UGC Regulations for counting towards total service period for promotion(s). |
318. | 12/12/2019 | Schedule of Meetings of Various Faculties to be held on 15th and 16th Dec., 2019 |
319. | 08/11/2019 | Final Reminder for Heritage Furniture |
320. | 06/11/2019 | Circular - Visitor's Book |
321. | 04/11/2019 | Circular for PIOs/APIOs regarding 2nd appeal under RTI Act |
322. | 18/10/2019 | Corrigendum Auction Notice for Shops and Canteens |
324. | 18/09/2019 | Identification/physical verification of the Heritage furniture items |
325. | 26/08/2019 | Circular - State Mourning |
326. | 14/08/2019 | Identification/physical verification of the Heritage furniture items |
327. | 05/08/2019 | Invitation for Independence Day Celebrations - 15.08.2019 |
328. | 10/07/2019 | CAS promotion performa as per Regulation dated 18.07.2018 |
329. | 24/06/2019 | Fast approaching Monsoon - Cleanliness of rooftops |
330. | 21/06/2019 | Regarding grant of benefit of Basic Pay + G.P. + D.A. to the daily wage employees appointing on D.C. rates after December, 2008. |
331. | 18/06/2019 | Undertaking |
332. | 28/05/2019 | Faculty Get-Together on Wednesday, 29th May, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the Lawns of Guest House |
333. | 24/05/2019 | Filling up the vacant post of Library Restorer in various teaching deptt/regional centres |
334. | 20/05/2019 | Circular: Category Information and document of the employees. |
335. | 10/04/2019 | Clarification issued by the Punjab Govt. vide Notification No. 7/42/97-5PPI/2836 dated 02.03.2001. |
336. | 09/04/2019 | Circular - Uploading of list of inventory of equipment |
337. | 03/04/2019 | ACR Rules |
338. | 03/04/2019 | ACR Proforma of Class B |
339. | 03/04/2019 | ACR Proforma of Class A |
340. | 01/04/2019 | Circular - Sensitization regarding preventive and control measures of Vector Borne Diseases and Seasonal Influenza |
341. | 01/04/2019 | Annual Confidential Reports for the year 2018-19 (01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019) of the Non-Teaching Employees. |
342. | 28/03/2019 | Amendment in Rule 4 (ii) at page 76 of P.U. Calendar Volume -III of 2016. |
343. | 27/03/2019 | Schedule of meetings of various Faculties - March 30th & 31st, 2019 |
344. | 01/03/2019 | Red Flag Files |
345. | 28/02/2019 | Reminder - I General Election to Lok Sabha -2019 |
346. | 22/02/2019 | Elections of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Board of Studies for the term 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2021 (without nomination form) |
347. | 21/02/2019 | Elections of U.G. and P.G. Board of Studies for the term 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2021 (with nomination form) |
348. | 14/02/2019 | BSNL Landline Telephones - To Communicate dedicated E-mail ID and Mobile Number |
349. | 14/02/2019 | Circular (regarding 20 % quota against post of Jr. Tech. G-IV) |
350. | 01/02/2019 | Circular regarding Salary of M.T.S. (appointed through Outsourcing Agency) |
351. | 28/01/2019 | Observance of Two Minutes Silence in Standing |
352. | 24/01/2019 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme for Republic Day Celebrations - 26.01.2019 (Saturday) |
353. | 18/12/2018 | Honours/ Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Republic Day i.e. 26th January, 2019 |
354. | 29/11/2018 | Office Order regarding carrying and displaying of Identity Card |
355. | 13/11/2018 | Prevention and control of malaria, dengue and other vector borne diseases. |
356. | 02/11/2018 | Office Order regarding adhering to Rules and Regulations of the University |
357. | 29/10/2018 | Observance of Rashtriya Sankalp Divas |
358. | 08/10/2018 | Soild Waste Management - Circular 08.10.2018 |
359. | 19/09/2018 | Institutional Swachhata Ranking-2018 |
360. | 24/08/2018 | Issues of the Students |
361. | 24/08/2018 | Appeal for donation in the wake of devastating flood in Kerala |
362. | 20/08/2018 | DRAFT - Internship Policy for Students of Technical Education |
363. | 16/08/2018 | Holiday on 17.08.2018 As a mark of respect to the departed former Prime Minister of India |
365. | 14/08/2018 | Urgent Circular regarding post facto approval |
366. | 09/08/2018 | Invitation for Independence Day Function(15.08.2018). |
367. | 18/07/2018 | Honours/Incentive to the non-teaching employees on the eve of Independence day i.e. 15th August, 2018 |
368. | 18/07/2018 | Urgent Circular |
369. | 31/05/2010 | Vehicle Free Zone |
370. | 31/05/2018 | Invitation for Get Together Scheduled on 01-06-2018 at 5:00 P.M at the Lawns of Guest House P.U Chd |
371. | 29/05/2018 | Circular regarding Transparency in Tender Process |
372. | 26/05/2018 | Invitation for the Inauguration of Neerja Bhanot Girls Hostel #10 |
373. | 11/05/2018 | NIQ for checking and filing GST Return |
374. | 10/05/2018 | Lok Sabha Internship Programme-2018 |
375. | 07/05/2018 | Mosquitoes breeding and consequent out-break of diseases - preventive measures thereof |
376. | 07/05/2018 | Electricity consumption during summer, etc. |
377. | 01/04/2018 | URGENT Notice - Postponement of Faculty Meeting |
378. | 30/03/2018 | Advertisement & Application Format for Appointment of Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh |
379. | 07/03/2018 | circular regarding pending case or cases that have not been accepted earlier where their past service(s) have technical breaks which are covered under UGC Regulations |
380. | 27/02/2018 | Regarding issuance of GST Certificate |
381. | 08/02/2018 | WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for non-teaching staff at P.U. Constituent Colleges (Temp.) |
382. | 24/01/2018 | Republic Day Celebration - Invitation |
383. | 18/01/2018 | Invitation for participation in Executive Leadership Programme |
384. | 01/01/2018 | Circular regarding the awards & Honour on eve of26th January, 2018. |
385. | 14/12/2017 | Procedure to be followed while addressing legal cases |
386. | 22/11/2017 | Updation of data of Teaching and Non-teaching employees - PU Diary 2018 |
387. | 27/10/2017 | Information regarding numbers of days of temporary/daily wage/contractual employees |
388. | 26/10/2017 | Action Taken Report on preventive measures to check the spread of Dengue and other water borne diseases |
389. | 25/10/2017 | Regarding installation of electrical appliances |
390. | 17/10/2017 | Eradication of Dengue and Chikungunya |
391. | 16/10/2017 | Swachh Bharat Abhiyan |
392. | 06/10/2017 | Rates for re-canning of chairs |
393. | 27/09/2017 | One hour long Swachhta Abhiyan on 29.09.2017 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. |
394. | 13/09/2017 | Monkey Menace |
395. | 17/08/2017 | Office Note regarding replacement of portraits of Hon'ble President and Hon'ble Vice-President of India. |
396. | 16/08/2017 | Circular regarding non use of words viz. Harijan and Girijan in official glossary, etc. |
397. | 02/08/2017 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme of Independence Day 2017 |
398. | 01/08/2017 | circular regarding surplus furniture |
399. | 01/08/2017 | circular regarding priced articles |
400. | 27/07/2017 | Circular regarding the awards & Honour on eve of 15th August, 2017. |
401. | 20/07/2017 | Collection of Educational Statistical (Numerical) Data for the Academic Session 2016-17 |
402. | 13/07/2017 | Regarding relieving of employees who have been appointed as Booth Level Officer by the Deputy Commissioner, U.T., Chandigarh, to conduct special driver to enroll left out electors |
403. | 05/07/2017 | Revision of Rent of Auditoria, Lawns etc |
404. | 12/06/2017 | Preventive measures to be adopted to avoid mis-happening. |
405. | 30/05/2017 | Invitation for faculty get together on the eve of summer vacation 2017-18 |
406. | 16/05/2017 | Shifting of Venue of Polling Booth |
407. | 12/05/2017 | Notice- Adjournment of Election of Joint Secretary of PUCCSA-2017 |
408. | 25/04/2017 | PUCCSA Election Re-Schedule Notice -2017 |
409. | 18/04/2017 | Office Order - To carry and display Identity Cards |
410. | 28/06/2016 | Enhancement of Rent/License fee ,WC, SC & GFMC w.e.f 1.4.2016 |
411. | 27/06/2016 | Effective rate Service tax would be 15% from 1st June, 2016 |
412. | 31/05/2016 | E-tender invited for the purchase and installation of CCTV cameras |
413. | 24/05/2016 | Faculty Get-together |
414. | 29/04/2016 | e-tender invited for the purchase of micro grained plates & P.S. Plates of different sizes |
415. | 12/04/2016 | corrigendum regarding the tender floated for livery articles |
416. | 23/02/2016 | Re- e tender for Mess Catering Services at Golden Jubilee Guest House |
417. | 17/02/2016 | CAS Circular |
418. | 17/02/2016 | Transfer Policy |
419. | 02/02/2016 | Shooting in campus Sec 14 and 25 |
420. | 15/01/2016 | advertisement of shops/booths and canteens |
421. | 21/12/2015 | E-tender for leasing out the Mess Catering Services at Golden Jubilee Guest . |
422. | 17/11/2015 | Expression of Interest for Smart parking facilities and services of eco-friendly e-transport systems |
423. | 06/11/2015 | Expression of Interest to provide services for Scanning/Digitization of records of various units |
424. | 27/07/2015 | Amended Draft of Lease- Deed of Student Centre Shops for individual |
425. | 27/07/2015 | Amended Draft of Lease- Deed of Student Centre Shops for company |
426. | 27/07/2015 | Amended Draft of Lease- Deed of Shops Sector 14 & 25 for individual |
427. | 27/07/2015 | Amended Draft of Lease- Deed of Shops Sector 14 & 25 for company |
428. | 22/07/2015 | Draft of Lease- deed of Student Centre Shops for individual |
429. | 22/07/2015 | Draft of Lease- deed of Student Centre Shops for Company |
430. | 22/07/2015 | Draft of Lease- deed of Shops for individual |
431. | 22/07/2015 | Draft of Lease- deed of Shops for individual |
432. | 22/07/2015 | Draft of Lease- deed of Shops for Company |